Chapter Outline
- A terse history of infographics
- You might need an infographic if…
- Types of infographics
- Where do infographics come from?
- Multimedia infographics
- Graphics packages
- Charts can lie: infographic ethics
- Designing infographics
- Try this
Keywords | Vocabulary
- Byline
- Callouts
- Chatter/Explainer
- Compass
- Graphics package
- Infographic
- Inset
- Key
- Pointer box
- Reference points
- Scale
- Source line
Related Unit Assignment
Think of our terse chapter as a “heads up” introduction to infographics.
Key Student Takeaways
- Infographics are not just for news design.
- Consider using an infographic if:
- You need to communicate quickly.
- A verbal or written account is too complicated.
- Your audience will have difficulty comprehending a written
or oral account.
- When possible take advantage of multimedia capabilities when concepting infographic designs.
- Graphics packages literally bundle content into a packages of multiple informational images and visuals, although they take serious planning and coordination with a team of experts.
- The ethics of infographics require respecting copyrights, sticking with the facts and using statistical data responsibly.
- Tips for designing infographics:
- Design them to stand alone as freestanding content.
- Don’t skimp on research.
- Use a grid.
- Group things together (i.e. think clustering and proximity).
- If you can’t use color, then make sure your grays contrast by at least 20 percent.
- Attribute everything.
- Minimize ornamentation.
- Write tightly.
- Maps require a grid, a scale, a legend and a compass.
- Make sure your pie chart represents a whole pie, that is 100 percent, and label what 100 percent represents.
- On fever charts the y-axis rise going up represents what you’re measuring, and the x-axis run represents time going left to right.
- On bar charts stick with horizontal bars unless you’re dealing with time, then revert to vertical bars with time running horizontally left to right.
- Limit timelines to about 10–20 items, and keep your timeline to scale/proportional.
Quiz Questions
The 5-minute Motivation to Read Quiz
Share three things you learned from the reading. Be specific.
Short Answer Quiz Questions
Define a graphics package and briefly describe the production challenges associated with producing a graphics package.
Discuss some of the ethical issues associated with designing infographics.
Multiple Choice Quiz Questions
When it comes to designing infographics, which of the following
is not true?
- Design them as freestanding content
- Remember to brush up on slope as rise over run to keep the scale correct
- Keep a 20 percent differential between grays on your grayscale
- Minimize ornamentation and attribute everything
When designing a timeline
- Limit items to 10–20, and keep the scale proportional
- Label the whole as 100 percent
- Include a compass
- Account for rise over run trajectories